korenix ring master redundancy

Korenix Master Anahtar Başarısızlık in a Yedeklilik Teknolojilerine Leave a comment

In the previous article redundant ring topologies was explained. that article described connection failure (cable). but what will be occurded if the master switch which is responible for chaning data flow to backup path fails? Korenix offers RM (ring master) redundancy:

RM Redundancy
While RM is the only manager in the ring, Korenix-patented RM Redundancy solves the critical point problem and guarantees the ring is always well-controlled.

korenix ring master redundancy


Backup RMs All Standby
Every switch other than the RM is Backup RM. As result One of the backup RM will immediately take over the role if the RM happens to fail. No manual configuration is required.


5 ms* Failure Recoverykorenix ring master redundancy2
0 ms Link Restoration 
Korenix-patented Seamless Restoration
introduces the most stable restoration
process to the world:

  • No packet loss
  • Without broadcast storm
  • No influence on the network

*Note: support on target models


Failure Positioning korenix nms
Failure Identification
Furthermore, Korenix NMS and the RS LED (Ring Status)
help administrators and field engineers
to identify the type and location of a
failure, which quickens troubleshooting.

Korenix NMS points out the failure position.

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